Thursday, November 9, 2017

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Science : Tips to doing well


helps pupils to internalise the information and key concepts
information can be organized into smaller segments to help pupils remember it better.

·         Notes should be simple and meaningful

·         Notes should capture the key words and key concepts of each topic

·         There is more than one method of note-taking

     writing in point form

     mapping information (table, classification chart, graphic organiser etc)

Answering Exam Questions

MCQ can be tricky - wrong options are usually very similar to the correct option.

·         Use the technique of ‘elimination’ to reduce the number of ‘possible options’ - crossing out those options that are unlikely to be the answer
·     Find out the topic and concept being tested in the question

·         Never pick the first answer that ‘looks right’. Read and understand each option provided


Open-ended Q are free response questions.

·         Highlight keywords

·         Find out the topic and key concept being tested in the question

·         Surface the scientific key words that associates with the concept

·         Note the allocation of marks for each question in order to estimate the amount of information required for the answer



Sunday, May 7, 2017

FTGP : 7 ways of saying sorry sincerely


See the damage you did with your action and recognise it.


See things from the other person's perspective. Focus on your own actions. It's OK to say: “I am sorry to have said hurtful things”.


Reveal and express your genuine regret and remorse.


Take responsibility for what you did. Admit your wrongdoing without giving excuses. Just say: “I should not have done that. I hurt you by doing that and I am really sorry.”


Ask for forgiveness and express the hope that your apology will be accepted.


Make amendments. Do something positive to reduce the damage caused and signal your desire to repair the relationship.


People you hurt want your assurance that it will not happen again. So it is important to resolve not to re-offend and repeat similar wrongdoings, and let the offended party know this.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Science: Boat Making Group Project (20 Apr)

Math : how to fix common mistakes

Watch for errors In copying and transfer. In Math, a common careless mistake is due to transfer error when the ‘brain moves faster than the eye and hand’  – this causes students to transfer a number incorrectly or in the wrong sequence.
- transfer each digit one at a time, and follow the transferring movement with the eye.
- Be careful when copying over the numbers in a maths question to do the working.
- Highlight or circle the relevant numbers before copying them over.
Check for logic. Very often, a good way to double-check is to see if your answer makes sense. If not, double check your problem-solving procedure.